E. MS. notat. Iun. XVI. in Bibl. Bodl.
uuir horten ie dikke singen uon alten dingen, uui snelle helide uûhten, uui si ueste burge brechen, uui sich liebin uuiniscefte schieden uui riche kunige al zeigiengen. nu ist zit daz uuir denken, uni uuir selue sulin enten. christ der unser herro gut. uui manige zeichen her uns uûre dut, als er uffin Sigeberg hauit gedan durch den diurlichen man, den heiligen bischof Annen, durch den sinin uuillen. da bi uuir uns sulin bennarin, uuante uuir noch sulin uarin uon disime ellendin libe hin zin euuin da uuir iemer sulen sin. The above is an exact copy of the first portion or canto of this rythmical life of Anno. There are forty seven portions some con- taining more, others fewer lines. The Marginal note refers to a Glossary by Iunius and to some Alamann. Hymns among his MSS. The whole is in the handwriting of Iunius; who does not state from what MS. he copied. I never could have stated that it was in the handwriting of the author. I remember referring to this MS. with Mr Thorpe, but he must, I should think, know Iunius' hand too well
Foedus. pax perpetua; uuiniscaf. gl. Alam; A. 4. 18. vide Alamannici Hymni octavi, versum 8.